Practical crystal therapy

Giada, proprietà e significato

Jade, properties and meaning

Powerful stone brings good luck , instills serenity, optimism, wisdom . Expands the deepest, most positive and spiritual emotions. Increases femininity, emotional and sexual.

Jade, properties and meaning

Powerful stone brings good luck , instills serenity, optimism, wisdom . Expands the deepest, most positive and spiritual emotions. Increases femininity, emotional and sexual.

Ematite, la pietra di "acciaio" | Significato e proprietà

Hematite, the stone of "steel" | Meaning and pr...

Hematite strengthens general health conditions, strengthening the heart and blood circulation. It helps to be tenacious, determined, courageous. It gives psychological stability and concentration.

Hematite, the stone of "steel" | Meaning and pr...

Hematite strengthens general health conditions, strengthening the heart and blood circulation. It helps to be tenacious, determined, courageous. It gives psychological stability and concentration.

Calcite, pietra dai mille usi | Significato e proprietà

Calcite, stone with a thousand uses | Meaning a...

Calcite is a revitalizing, strengthening and stabilizing stone. Each individual variety also has specific properties.

Calcite, stone with a thousand uses | Meaning a...

Calcite is a revitalizing, strengthening and stabilizing stone. Each individual variety also has specific properties.

Fluorite, pietra della mente | Significato e proprietà

Fluorite, stone of the mind | Meaning and prope...

Fluorite frees from mental patterns, refines cognitive abilities, encourages self-knowledge and gives balance to thoughts and emotions.

Fluorite, stone of the mind | Meaning and prope...

Fluorite frees from mental patterns, refines cognitive abilities, encourages self-knowledge and gives balance to thoughts and emotions.

Diaspro, proprietà e significato

Jasper, properties and meaning

Jasper revitalizes, regenerates and strengthens on a physical level. It gives courage, determination, resistance in the face of conditioning and pain .

Jasper, properties and meaning

Jasper revitalizes, regenerates and strengthens on a physical level. It gives courage, determination, resistance in the face of conditioning and pain .

Avventurina, significato e proprietà

Aventurine, meaning and properties

Aventurine instills optimism, hope and a serene proactiveness, overcoming unnecessary fears and emotional blocks.

Aventurine, meaning and properties

Aventurine instills optimism, hope and a serene proactiveness, overcoming unnecessary fears and emotional blocks.