Collection: Stones for courage and determination

If you feel the need for an additional boost and a boost of self-esteem, the energy of these stones will help you greatly. CLICK on the name of the stone to be directed to the page dedicated to it.

  1. Amber : enlivens and makes you fearless in the face of difficulties .
  2. Calcite (especially yellow and red): gives stability and moral strength in life circumstances.
  3. Carnelian : energizes the psyche and makes one determined and energetic in the face of difficulties and fears .
  4. Red jasper : stone of courage together with garnet, its Martian energy allows us not to stop in the face of difficulties .
  5. Heliotrope : makes us concrete and determined in achieving the objectives we have set ourselves.
  6. Red garnet : gives deep energy , courage , desire to do.
  7. Fossil wood : makes it stable and resistant to suffering.
  8. Tiger's Eye : pushes us to "attack" situations with courage, to do away with old patterns and to obtain the success we deserve.
  9. Black obsidian : wards off fears and anxieties .
  10. Sunstone : gives light to the soul, pushes us to action and helps us face fears .
  11. Shivalingam : helps to express one's masculine energy in a free and balanced way. It helps to express courage and proactiveness .

NB: the advice provided on this page does not and cannot in any case replace the opinion of a specialized doctor.

In presenza di Genesa l’organismo accetta più facilmente le frequenze armonizzanti. L’atmosfera nell’abitazione è più vitale.