Collection: Stones against suffering and crises

The energy of these stones will help you overcome crises and moments of suffering. By using them you can detach yourself from the pain and bring relief and peace to your soul. CLICK on the name of the stone to be directed to the page dedicated to it.

  1. Agate : gives emotional stability and makes you strong , concrete and firm in difficult moments.
  2. Amazonite : helps you adapt and benefit from even the most difficult situations.
  3. Calcite (all varieties): gives not only emotional stability and pragmatism, but also a fighting spirit towards events.
  4. Rock crystal : helps you detach from pain and see circumstances with a deeper understanding .
  5. Heliotrope : increases courage and opens the heart even in moments of fear.
  6. Red garnet : garnet is the most suitable stone in moments of existential crisis and helps to escape from a state of passivity , facing situations with apparently no way out with clarity and courage.
  7. Black obsidian : helps to face critical moments with clarity and to exploit them as opportunities for profound psychological and material transformation .
  8. Citrine quartz : revitalizing and energizing stone par excellence, it helps to be proactive, optimistic and combative even in difficult moments.
  9. Rose Quartz : soothes the pain of the soul and brings serenity and emotional peace.

NB: the advice provided on this page does not and cannot in any case replace the opinion of a specialized doctor.

In presenza di Genesa l’organismo accetta più facilmente le frequenze armonizzanti. L’atmosfera nell’abitazione è più vitale.