Collection: Stones for love and friendship

Here is a list of stones whose energy promotes love and friendship . CLICK on the name of the stone to be directed to the page dedicated to it.

  1. Chrysoprase : this stone attracts new loves and prosperity , increasing the sense of confidence and optimism.
  2. Lapis Lazuli : increases serenity in relationships and helps to express one's feelings , particularly in friendships.
  3. Morganite : Brings confidence in love , inner strength and unconditional love .
  4. Olivine : gives security and warmth in love and removes the ego's defensive mechanisms that hinder relationships of love and friendship.
  5. Pink Opal : Stabilizes the emotions of love and friendship and promotes free sexuality .
  6. Moonstone (adularia): feminine stone, helps women to best express their femininity in the couple, both emotional and sexual .
  7. Rose Quartz : the stone par excellence linked to love. It helps build deep and lasting relationships , puts you in tune and stimulates sexuality.
  8. Rhodochrosite : stimulates the birth of a spontaneous, sincere love not conditioned by fear .
  9. Rhodonite : favors the birth of a feeling of deep friendship and universal harmony.
  10. Ruby : warms the heart, gives courage in love, helps overcome emotional traumas and stimulates sexuality.
  11. Emerald : favors intimacy and depth of feelings within the couple.
  12. Shivalingam : male stone, it helps men to express their masculine energy in a freer and more balanced way. It helps to overcome painful conditions such as impotence and premature ejaculation .
  13. Unakite : helps rebalance emotional relationships and encourages the feeling of intellectual and emotional complicity in love and friendship.

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