Collection: Stones for sexual problems and eroticism

Here is a list of stones that have beneficial effects on the sexual sphere, both individually and as a couple. CLICK on the name of the stone to be directed to the dedicated page.

  1. Carnelian : increases libido and the desire for intimacy, as a couple and individually.
  2. Chrysoprase : helps us abandon self-punishing patterns and enjoy sex and its joys.
  3. Red Jasper : revitalizes the psychological and physical sexual sphere . Counteracts impotence and frigidity .
  4. Garnet : stone of sex and libido par excellence , improves sexual relations, stimulates, increases the desire to share one's sexual life with one's partner and increases sexual potency .
  5. Morganite : helps to experience sex as a profound expression of one's emotions .
  6. Rose Quartz : revitalizes the sexual sphere by connecting it to true love and the intuitions of the heart .
  7. Rutilated quartz : makes sexual life more dynamic, stimulates courage in love and counteracts fears that turn off the libido and risk causing sexual problems .
  8. Shivalingam : helps counteract sexual problems , particularly male ones, such as impotence and premature ejaculation .

NB: the advice provided on this page does not and cannot in any case replace the opinion of a specialized doctor.

In presenza di Genesa l’organismo accetta più facilmente le frequenze armonizzanti. L’atmosfera nell’abitazione è più vitale.