Collection: Stones for study and concentration

These stones are perfect for those who use their mind for work and study, or for those who want to increase their concentration skills. Use their energy to increase the clarity of your mind and your productivity. CLICK on the name of the stone to be directed to the page dedicated to it.

  1. Aquamarine : refines mental abilities and merges them with intuition .
  2. Aragonite : strengthens the mind in times of tiredness and helps you stay focused on what you are doing.
  3. Chrysocolla : makes you clear in your thoughts and reduces nervousness related to deadlines and duties.
  4. Rock crystal : powerfully refines the understanding and ability to grasp the meaning of what one comes into contact with.
  5. Fluorite : this stone increases our ability to concentrate and helps us make correct decisions . Promotes critical thinking.
  6. Labradorite : overcomes dispersion in one's activities, helps to stay focused and concentrated in what one does.
  7. Malachite : helps in making decisions and being determined in carrying out one's tasks.
  8. Hawkeye : improves your ability to concentrate on new projects in your life and you have to make difficult decisions.
  9. Black onyx : helps you to be determined in your studies and in your homework in general.
  10. Smoky Quartz : helps to quickly reach understanding and facilitates learning .
  11. Rainbow Moonstone : calms the mind after excessive stress . Ideal for those facing exam sessions .
  12. Pyrite : makes the intellect sharp and concrete . It helps us make concrete choices in the university and work fields.

In presenza di Genesa l’organismo accetta più facilmente le frequenze armonizzanti. L’atmosfera nell’abitazione è più vitale.