Collection: Stones for the female body

Here is a list of stones that have a particular beneficial effect on the female sexual apparatus and on female characteristics in general. CLICK on the name of the stone to be directed to the page dedicated to it.

  1. Agata : protects mother and child during pregnancy , both before and after giving birth.
  2. Chrysocolla : helps reduce menstrual pain and protects pregnant women.
  3. Lapis Lazuli : Helps regulate hormones typical of menstruation, menopause and pregnancy.
  4. Opal : Increases female fertility , particularly by wearing jewelry that contains opal. 
  5. Rose Quartz : increases femininity , the secretion and regulation of female hormones and the development of secondary sexual characteristics .
  6. Moonstone (Adularia): all-round feminine stone, helps women deal with all problems of a sexual nature, such as dysmenorrhea , menopause , endometriosis .
  7. Ruby-Zoisite : develops fertility and strengthens sexual potency .

NB: the advice provided on this page does not and cannot in any case replace the opinion of a specialized doctor.

In presenza di Genesa l’organismo accetta più facilmente le frequenze armonizzanti. L’atmosfera nell’abitazione è più vitale.