Emerald is formed through a primary process in pegmatites or through metamorphosis in the contact zone between beryl-containing rocks and chromium-containing rocks. The splendid color and rarity of the emerald make it a precious gem. Together with ruby, sapphire and diamond, it is considered 1 of the 4 precious stones of the earth.
- Chemical formula : Be3Al2(Si6O18) + K, Li, Na + (Cr)
- Appearance : emerald comes in both opaque, shiny and transparent crystalline forms. The color ranges from deep green to light green.
- Element : water
- Associated chakras : 4th or cardiac chakra: Anahata
- Planets : Venus, Moon
- Zodiac signs : Libra, Taurus, Cancer
PROPERTIES OF EMERALD IN BRIEF : strengthens the heart , stimulates the liver, has a detoxifying action and reduces rheumatism. It promotes friendship , love and harmony in the couple . Keeps you young at heart. It stimulates inner growth , sensitivity and aesthetic sense, as well as the desire for peace and harmony. It generates an aptitude for collaboration , facilitating mutual understanding, strengthening optimism , understanding and relationships with others.
The emerald was associated in the ancient cultures of Europe and India with Mercury, the divine winged messenger, God of sleep and dreams. It was, therefore, considered a source of divine inspiration. In ancient times, it was used to treat the eyes, and in the Middle Ages against ailments of all kinds.
The emerald has long been worshiped by the Incas and was believed by the Chaldeans to be the home of a certain goddess. The Egyptians considered it as a symbol of eternal life, a gift from Thoth, the God of Wisdom.
Effects of emerald on the physical body:
Improves vision and heals upper respiratory irritation.
It strengthens the heart , stimulates the liver , has a detoxifying action and reduces rheumatism.
Finally, it stimulates the immune system , accelerating recovery from infections.
It can be carried with you, placed on the body or used for meditative purposes.
It is very effective even when used in the form of essence.
Effects of emerald on the psyche:
It stimulates inner growth , sensitivity and aesthetic sense, as well as the desire for peace and harmony. Promotes perseverance and joy of living. It promotes friendship , love and harmony in the couple . Keeps you young at heart.
It generates an aptitude for collaboration , facilitating mutual understanding, strengthening optimism , understanding and relationships with others.
People often think about negative things and close the doors of their hearts to matters involving love. This is where the powers of the Emerald come into play.
All those experiencing love problems will benefit from this stone for help in learning to face the truth so as to be able to progress mentally and spiritually.
Emerald will aid in a renewed approach to life and help you become stronger and overcome challenges that arise.
Helps heal the heart and open its chakra, to love ourselves and the people around us. It also encourages us to see the world around us in a more positive light.