Ruby: meaning, properties and uses
Ruby is formed in igneous rocks that are particularly rich in aluminum such as granite, syenite and pegmatites, or in metamorphic rocks such as gneiss, crystalline schists or marble. It belongs to the corundum family, and owes its red color to the chromium it contains. The presence of rutile needles inside determines the asterism phenomenon.
- Chemical formula : Al 2 O 3 Cr
- Appearance : this wonderful mineral has an intense red color, which varies from dark to brightly radiant. In almost all cases all ruby stones are opaque. In some very rare cases they are pure and transparent. These are the cases in which the ruby often costs disproportionate amounts.
- Element : fire
- Associated chakras : 1st and 4th chakras: Muladhara and Anahata
- Planets : Mars, Sun
- Zodiac signs : Leo, Mars
PROPERTIES OF RUBY IN BRIEF: supports the heart and circulation , the spleen and the adrenals . Generates momentum and dynamism . It makes you passionate and bold in love . As a couple , it encourages mutual commitment and physical and mental closeness. Strengthens the ability to commit to one's tasks. It makes you alert, efficient and spontaneous .
The ruby, from the Latin "rubeus", or red, was defined by ancient European and Indian cultures as "stone of the sun", as it was a symbol of life force , inner fire, love and passion.
The ruby was prized by the Burmese not only for its beauty, but also because they thought it gave invulnerability and it was mainly used by soldiers during battles.
According to tradition, it is a protective amulet that warns the wearer of a danger or illness by changing color and is also considered the stone of wealth.
Effects of Ruby on the Physical Body:
It has a beneficial action on the spleen , adrenals , circulation and heart .
It helps react to infections, for example intestinal ones, and induces fever as a counterreaction.
Effects of ruby on the psyche:
Generates momentum and dynamism . It makes you passionate and bold in love , without however causing you to fall into self-destructive tendencies.
It greatly increases dynamism , pushing us to emerge from apathy and passivity . It is, however, capable of balancing states of hyperactivity.
Stimulates sexuality and libido. It overcomes shyness and promotes the union between physical love and spiritual love.
Ruby is an aphrodisiac and allows you to experience all forms of love, ranging from wild sensuality to mystical communion. As a couple , it encourages mutual commitment and physical and mental closeness. It keeps the passion high among lovers and is excellent for increase the chances of conception
Strengthens the ability to commit to one's tasks. It makes you alert, efficient and spontaneous . A Ruby is very useful if you are working on positive thinking as a weapon to transform your present life .