Rhodochrosite: meaning, uses, properties
Rhodochrosite is a sedimentary mineral and grows in the oxidation zone of sulphide deposits in which manganese is dispersed, or as a precipitate from mother liquor. Rhodochrosite takes its name from the Greek 'rhodon': pink and has long been known as manganese spar.
- Chemical formula : MnCO3 + Ca, Fe, Zn
- Appearance : this splendid stone is pink in color, the shade varying from pale to intense, often within the same single piece. It often has milky streaks and can be dotted with inclusions of the sulphurous substrates in which it grows.
- Element : air, fire
- Associated chakras : 3rd and 4th chakras, located in the belly and heart, Sanskrit name: Manipura, Anahata.
- Planets : Sun, Mercury
- Zodiac signs : Leo, Gemini
RHODOCHROSITE PROPERTIES IN BRIEF: Rhodochrosite emits one of the most sensitive and loving energies among known minerals. It calms the emotions, consoles the spirit and resonates with the harmonics of true happiness. Very useful for transforming jealousy and anger into love and tolerance. Perfect stone for couples who are going through periods of crisis . This crystal also teaches the important value of self-forgiveness and acceptance of one's mistakes and flaws. In this way it brings incredible serenity of mind and psychological peace.
Rhodochrosite emits one of the most sensitive and loving energies among known minerals. It calms the emotions, consoles the spirit and resonates with the harmonics of true happiness. It is a beautiful symbol of happiness and healing, of accepting your talents and flaws, and realizing your full abilities.
This stone represents disinterested affection , not only towards others, but also towards ourselves to arrive at a situation of mental recovery. It is not for nothing that it is known as the gem of the merciful soul .
It encourages a lively and optimistic mentality , brings to the surface goodness of heart, the ability to show affection and feelings.
Rhodochrosite strengthens the body and mind and is therefore suitable for post-traumatic psycho-physical recovery .
Effects of Rhodochrosite on the Physical Body:
It regulates blood circulation and, at the same time, the activity of the kidneys and adrenal glands . It makes the capillaries more elastic. It is useful in migraines. Useful in case of insect bites and to facilitate the healing of scars.
Effects of rhodochrosite on the psyche:
Promotes an optimistic attitude towards life. It ensures that unconditional love develops in the subject, capable of extending towards everything.
It makes you active, spontaneous and dynamic. Stimulates the expression of one's feelings . It helps to calm the soul.
Makes you alert and active. It promotes a spirit of initiative and generates new ideas, making work easier and more pleasant.
Very useful for transforming jealousy and anger into love and tolerance. Perfect stone for couples who are going through periods of crisis .
It is a gem capable of instilling the ability to accept suffering without asking to act as if it were not there. It will encourage you to let yourself go into liberating tears, to accept feeling bad but it will not make you abandon yourself to wallowing in pain for long.
It will provide peace to unresolved conflicts and provide the forgiveness needed to move forward.
This crystal also teaches the important value of self-forgiveness and acceptance of one's mistakes and flaws. In this way it brings incredible serenity of mind and psychological peace.